You can reach Levi by email at
Levi's Quest in Argentina will soon be coming to a close. Levi will be returning home on July 6, 2011 after serving an unforgettable journey throughout the countryside surrounding Cordoba, Argentina.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Spirit Guided Experience

I feel like I write less and less every week, I apologize there's just so little time and so much that happens, so much of similar events, plus I figure in three weeks I can tell it all in person anyway haha.

Today we are going to start off with a spirit guided experience. Sunday was stake conference. It was a satelite transmission for all of Argentina from SLC. Elder Zivic, Elder Anderson, and President Packer, along with the general primary president spoke. We wanted to get as many people as possible to the stake conference. So we left early in the morning looking for people. We called everyone and passed by everyone's houses trying to get everyone there. No one was home and if they were they were asleep, we ran out of minutes on our phone calling everyone. We were kinda lost, when I thought, hey, let's go by our chapel and see if anyone forgot and is waiting outside. What do you know. Two of our investigators were there waiting. Alone? Nope, with friends they had invited. Miracle! We then escorted them to the stake center. We ended the Sunday with 12 investigators in church and a new family to teach! Way great!! We have a lot of super solid awesome people we are teaching and I'm loving it.

Last week I asked for a souvinours list and I didn't receive it this week, so don't complain when you get a Hannah Montana beach towel or a Virgin Mary fridge magnet.

I finally got my flight plans, weird that you got them first. Also weird that I have to fly to TX and can't go straight from FL to AZ ,but it's all cool.

Aiight, seeing how I write so little, I'll see if I can send a pic or two, seeing how a picture is worth a thousand words.



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